Thursday, February 5, 2009

One Month Old!!!

Its hard to believe that Fionna is over a month old now!!! I know tomorrow she will technically be 5 weeks but I am just now getting to post her One Month Update after her checkup today!!

I still have yet to send out my baby announcements and other photos that we had taken professionally at the hospital---I must get them out this weekend! My husband keeps nagging me that we spent all that money and I haven't shared them with anyone yet. Even though I am home all day with Fionna I am not sure where the days go---I always have a To Do List and yet I never seem to finish that list!

Fionna Ann at her One Month Checkup is now 10 pounds 3 ounces and 22 1/4 inches.

Here Fionna is at One Month Old!!!

She is now gaining weight like a champ eating her formula and breast milk.

I have 7 more weeks of my maternity leave and then I go back to work and it will be Henry's time to stay home with Little Miss Fionna. I will be working 3 days a week (we only work 4 days and I will be working from home one day a week) so that Henry can work 2 days a week. This should work out well and it will keep Fionna out of daycare till she is at least 6 months old if not a little bit older, which is great because when I got pregnant I was worried that she would have to go to daycare at like 6-8 weeks old!!!

Well I must go work on today's To Do List....Enjoy the slideshow below!!